Glad to hear from Suleman. All well in Jhb, Sameera is due on the 8th of May with No. 2, Insha-Allah. Yusuf is now over 2 years and quite a handful. Mummy says he is just like how I was as a child... not too sure about that. Anyone remember me being a scamp and thug???
As'ad and I played rugby 2 weekends ago for the first time! After a few tackles and runs on the wing, I really enjoyed it. I still have a few pains in certain joints, but it was nice. We should have had an ML Sultan rugby team...
Did anyone see me getting "toasted" on the Hot Seat?? Wasnt too good, but a nice experience. How was my hot sports question, compared to the other guy, not fair...
Salaams to all,